Students Mobilize Against 100-Day Blackout with Multi-Stage Protests.
On February 9, 2025, Alexander Brown Hall, in a determined response to the ongoing blackout, now approaching its 100th day, residents, ABH Executives, UI’ SU Leadership, and concerned students unveiled a series of protest actions following a Town Hall Meeting at the Alexander Brown Hall Quadrangle.
The resolutions, agreed upon during a two-hour-long meeting, outline a three-pronged strategy:
Commencement of online protest on Sunday, 9th February 2025, the 100th Day of the Blackout.
Demand a Congress of the Students’ Union by Monday, 10th February 2025, through the gathering of 250 signatories and the ABH Representatives in the Students’ Representative Council.
A physical demonstration starting on Tuesday, 11th February 2025, with a further line of action to be reviewed based on daily progress.
During the meeting, a concerned Brownite voiced frustration over the noticeable absence of ABH Representatives at all previously held Town Halls, criticising their inaction amid the crisis. As the situation develops, protest organizers and student leaders remain committed to keeping the pressure on, with further updates to follow based on the daily progress of the planned demonstrations.