Queen Elizabeth II Hall Holds its Congress


By: Sanni Juliet Oluwadarapupo 

On the 15th of January, 2025, Queen Elizabeth II Hall helds it congress at the Junior Common Room (JCR) in accordance with Article 11, Section 2(a) of Queen Elizabeth II Hall Constitution, 1966. 

The congress which was scheduled to commence by 4 pm, officially began at 5:58 pm. Members of the Executive Council and residents of the Hall were present as the meeting began. As stated in the announcement, the highlights of the Congress included the Queen Elizabeth II Hall Election, UISU Election, general complaints and any other business. 

The opening address was taken by Ande Victory Dooshima, the former Hall Chairperson before being taken over by the current Hall Chairperson, Mojoyinoluwa Agbonde. The first session of the meeting was led by Agbonde alongside the Deputy Electoral Committee Head of Queen Elizabeth II Hall, Oluwayori Ayokunnumi. In the course of the session, they addressed questions relating to political positions in the hall and encouraged Queenites who are aspiring for a leadership position in the hall to seek clarifications.

Oluwayori Ayokunnumi stated that the mode of the election this session will be online, giving them the opportunity to vote at the comfort of their own space. She encouraged Queenites to get accredited to ensure their eligibility to vote. The forms for the executive position includes

Hall Chairperson- 300 level and above 

Vice Hall chairperson- 200 level and above

Hall secretary- 300 level and above

Finance Minister- 300 level and above

Health Minister- 300 level and upward

Socials Minister- 200 level and upward

Sports Minister- 200 level and upward

For the legislative council, a new initiative, Queen Elizabeth II Hall Student’s Representative Council (QHRC) was introduced. The Council will consist of 27 members, and all levels are encouraged to pick up the form as there is no CGPA requirement for it. Majority Leader Becca stated that “The QHRC, the Council women will serve as the watchdogs, ensuring checks and balances within the hall while advocating for the welfare of the students”. 

In the next session, Student Union Endorsement, Ande Dooshima, introduced Olabisi Owadayo, aspiring for the position of the Vice President of the Student Union. Owadayo declared her intentions and pleaded for the support of the Queenites. Honourable Member, Tobi emphasized the need to maintain the structure. The meeting ended at 8:20 pm. 

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