End Of The Session Jamboree? Bring!


By Abraham Favour Olohigbe 

Photo Credit: X.com

Seasons greetings! But not in the sense of festivities. You might wonder what other season deserves this greeting. I am delighted to be a prophet of good news; it’s exam season ladies. A time championed by exams but followed by “other things.” Guess who the happiest students in the world are right now? None other than University of Ibadan students! You can see the joy radiating from our faces as we resume the holidays. I write “us” because I am not left out.

Look at us, happily trekking to class from our various abodes like we are contestants in a fitness challenge. “Who no like better thing?” Better compared to the early and restricting curfews in your parent’s house, spending your own money, managing your own life, ah!! “Independence sweet like mad.”

And the icing on the cake? EXAMS! Yes, the most “beautiful” part of the semester has arrived. Students are bracing themselves like warriors preparing for World War III. Back-to-back exams? No problem! These scholars are ready to unleash “pepper” on their lecturers, just as the lecturers did to them in class. By the time lecturers start marking those scripts, “e go be like film trick because lecturer go mark wetin hin no teach.” Their eyes go water small, and maybe, just maybe, a few will blush as they realize the genius or creative nonsense students can write under pressure.

Oh, final-year students, how are you doing? It’s your season of joy, right? Perhaps, a little feeling of nostalgia. This is the time to move from hall to hall, distributing questionnaires like election campaign flyers. Exercise is a good thing, so you’re welcome! If you see them marching with determination to meet supervisors, you’ll think they just won a scholarship to study abroad. Even when supervisors reject half their work, they smile and say, “Thank you, sir!” because what else can they do?

This final lap is a marathon, and the finish line comes with more wahala: project defense. But “no wahala, ija wa, ija o sì,” always guiding. Na who no pass through this final suffering go know the joy of graduation?

Let’s talk about handovers. Oh, the joy of passing down the “pot of enjoyment” to the next set of leaders in faculties, societies, and committees. Leadership sweet gan. Wait till they inherit sleepless nights, reduced CGPAs, and skyrocketing BP. But na tradition, no be so? If your heart no dey pump fast from all the stress, at least it’s something for those without love lives. Please note that “manlessness and womanlessness” is not the end of life, NYSC is another place to try. 

Now, on to the grand dinners! Where ladies transform their faces with makeup strong enough to confuse even their closest friends, and gentlemen show up, hoping to impress. Three to four hours of activities nobody cares about, loud music nobody asked for, and meals you could have skipped, all for a nice dent in your wallet. But hey, it’s all part of the “UI experience,” right?

For the freshers! Ah, look at their hopeful faces as they explore campus, thinking they’re in the promised land. “UI is the first and best,” they say. Just wait. Let the semester end, and reality will show them pepper. Some will shift from Law to Linguistics, while others discover new talents in surviving stress. In all, Book of Life is coming, and it won’t miss you! 

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