Campus Elections: A Call for Integrity, Accountability, and Action
As we exchange seasonal greetings to welcome the new year, we have also entered the season of campus elections. These elections are crucial, as they determine how the student community is represented. However, elections should not be a platform for student politicians to hold fancy titles and feel on top of the world after winning their political pursuits. Instead, elections are a critical opportunity for students to choose leaders who will represent them effectively and selflessly.
Unfortunately, the campus community has experienced a growing trend of student politicians who, after emerging victorious, fail to fulfil the promises they made during their campaigns. Time and again, we have witnessed the ineptitude and lack of accountability of student leaders who are unable or unwilling to fight for the welfare of the student body. Many pertinent issues persist, yet those elected to advocate for justice and student rights have become mere titleholders, lacking both the form and the power to champion meaningful causes.
This lack of trust in student leadership has resulted in widespread voter apathy. Students across faculties, halls, and even at the Union level no longer believe in the ability of their leaders to represent them effectively. Gross misconduct, irresponsibility, and self-serving agendas have eroded faith in the democratic process on campus.
This is a wake-up call to all students: as elections approach, we must remain vigilant and deliberate in choosing leaders who will shape the direction of our community for the next session. Campus elections mirror national democratic processes, where leaders are elected by the people and for the people. While these elections provide a training ground for future leaders, it is essential that they do not become an avenue to jeopardise the present lives of students.
We must elect leaders with proven track records of credibility and a commitment to upholding the values of the student body. These leaders must prioritise the challenges faced by students and foster positive, revolutionary change. The principles of fairness, transparency, and honesty must be upheld at all stages of the electoral process.
As electioneering activities intensify, with bans lifted, campaigns underway, and votes being solicited, the student community must remain vigilant. They must beware of "wolves in sheep's clothing"—those who make grand promises with no intention of fulfilling them. We must be cautious of student leaders who appear authoritative but lack the power, zeal, and vision to lead the community toward meaningful change.
To address voter apathy, students must remember that inaction has consequences. Choosing not to vote may result in months of regret due to poor leadership. Given the struggles faced by the student community in this session, it is imperative that students participate actively in the electoral process. Attend press nights to scrutinise candidates and evaluate the feasibility of their plans. Manifesto nights are equally important, as they provide an avenue for students to question aspirants about their intentions and service to the community.
We must elect leaders who not only possess the form but also the power and drive to address critical issues. These issues transcend the boundaries of our university and these student leaders must set a precedent for other Nigerian universities to follow. Elected candidates must understand that their positions are a call to serve the student body, not an opportunity for clout chasing. They must present actionable plans that hold water, rather than offering shallow promises for formality's sake.
As the days draw near, let us learn from our struggles and fight for our rights as students. We must act, remain vigilant, make informed decisions, and let our voices be heard. The future of our student community lies in the hands of the leaders we choose to represent us.