Roses are Red, Violets are Blue; If the Agenda Does not Agend, Electorates Will Not Elect.
By Oludare Olufunmilola
As we advance towards the romantic hues that accompany Valentine's, it is good for you and your babe to start preparing because you don’t want to be oppressed by other relationship kids. However, this is not yet the time for that, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Yoruba proverbs are very explicit about doing the important things first. Simply put, “ti ina ba n jo eni, to n jo omo ẹni, ti ara ẹni laa ko gbon” For non-Yoruba speakers, the proverb is saying you should parboil your rice before you add salt.
This current season has risen to self-acclaim so, you don’t need to be told what season it is. But, for unenlightened readers, I present to you the most important season at this very juncture- UI’SU elections. So, you might want to lay aside those plans you’re making for Valentine till this present fire is quenched.
Again, auspicious times are here, a time which allows us the time and chance to reflect on our choices and preferences. So, where do we get to from here? Perhaps, the headway- so long we’re not going astray, or the path of altruism. After all, selfless service to humanity is the greatest service of all. Walk behind me.
As children, we were only told not to play with fire- literally and metaphorically but nobody told us not to play with politicians. Indeed, life will teach you lessons that your teachers and parents did not. If only Queenites were clever enough to have learnt this early in life, we would not have taken politicians so lightly. The fire outbreak in the hall was a turning point for most of us in Queens. Quite frankly, I never thought there’d be a time when politicians would take over the forefront of other things aside from protests. This was not just a furnace but a fiery one that burnt with recklessness. All thanks to the gallant politicians who came to our rescue, the Hall chairpersons and the many influencers of UI. These loving people did not only take over the force, but they also called upon the UI firefighting service, and some of them even came with fire extinguishers to put out the fire. We’re truly our men’s Queens, their captive electorates, waiting for their next move.
Valiantly, we walked through the valley of the shadow of death and then after, proceeded to Jaw war to slay the rats of Tedder. How could we have known such blessings were headed our way? We had earlier been showered with love and care from our politicians, consequent to the fire outbreak in the hall. Their sweet messages still warm our hearts: ‘At a time like this, our altruistic agenda stands with Queenites,’, ‘We’ve got your back, even in trouble – lean on us, dear Queens. What we needed during the crisis was a healthy dose of politician - speak and a clear win at Jawwar.
Our politician friends have won the hearts of many with their prompt responses to the recent event and the many letterheads from them have found favour with Queenites. It’s impressive to see that almost everyone has something positive to say about their efforts. Now, it’s only fair that we show our appreciation and support for them in return. As they say, if someone saves you from death, they deserve your life. But our politicians aren’t even asking for that level of commitment all they need is your support, my support. What could be easier to give than a simple vote of confidence? Dear readers, at this point, resistance will be a futile endeavour, this is not the time to think twice, neither is it time to look back in introspection. This is the moment to submit to every motion before us. Our politicians have thrown us roses, tulips and even violets, with elections around the corner, we must roll over and let every agenda agend.