Jawwar quarter-final: Faculties of The social sciences, Arts, Agriculture and Law proceed to the semi-final


By Oludare Olufunmilola Priscilla 

On the 10th of December, the Jawwar inter-faculty quarter-final round was held at faculty of The social sciences LLT.

The quarter-final round featured the following pairs: Faculty of Veterinary medicine facing the Faculty of Agriculture Sciences, Faculty of the Social Sciences facing the Faculty of Law, Faculty of Nursing facing Faculty of Arts.

At the end of the quarter final round, the Faculty of Arts emerged with a total of 80.12%, with the Faculty of Nursing emerging with 74%. Faculty of Law emerged with a total of 81.1% as against the faculty of the social sciences which emerged with 83.75%. Faculty of Agriculture got a total of 78.9% while the Faculty of Veterinary medicine had 74.5%.  

With a tie -breaker impromptu speech between Ola-Stephen Favour from faculty of the social sciences and Ugochukwu Chineke from the faculty of law, Ugochukwu Chineke emerged as the best speaker.

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