Interview With the President of Queen Elizabeth II Hall L&D: A Sneak Peek Behind the Scenes


By Abraham Favour Olohigbe 

On the 15th of July, QEHP correspondents interviewed the President of the Queen Elizabeth II Hall L&D on the Hall’s progress in the ongoing Jaw War. 

Good evening, Anita

 Good evening, ma’am

Can you introduce yourself? 

I am Anita Babs, a penultimate Law Student, and the President of the Queen Elizabeth II Hall Literary and Debating Society. It’s an honour to be here.

How has the ongoing Jaw War been thus far?

It has been amazing. I’m very grateful to God that I get to see Queens Hall L&D climb the ladder and I’m immensely optimistic about the semi-final round. I know there has been a lot of buzz about this session’s Jaw War. I mean, every year has its drama but I’m glad that all issues have been addressed by the TLDS administrators.

It’s been quite a while since Queens Elizabeth II Hall L&D reached the semi-finals of Jaw War. How did you feel after winning the last debate, and what do you think the organisation is doing differently?

I felt grateful. Quite frankly, it all points to the fact that all our intense training over the past sessions and this session have truly paid off. My daughters (as I fondly call my executives and L&D members) have given them their best. It is a testament that diligence, consistency, and an intense passion for what you love always come with fruits and benefits. 

As for what we are doing differently, I can’t exactly pinpoint. I firmly believe that we have only learned to see ourselves as what we truly are, fantastic public speakers. We have accepted our uniqueness and creativity. I mean, you need to listen to a member of Queens L&D talk, it’s a fine blend of creativity, intelligence, and unique confidence. We are not trying to be a speaker from any other female halls, but we are merely being ourselves and embracing the vastness of our minds. 

Believing in ourselves and our uniqueness, seeing that we are global speakers beyond the Jaw War stage, and choosing to follow our training diligently have been the difference to our performance this year. But you see, this is only a build-up to what our grandmothers (as I would call my predecessors) have done. Beginning from the ones I met, Irawooluwa Dare and Joyce Uveruveh and even down to other past and outgone executives like Ogbuka Onyinye, and even Theressa Adekunle. It feels like we are building on the legacy.

How do you handle “bants” from your opponents?

It always amuses me on a personal level. At the quarter-final round, I remember laughing and clapping for my Tedder Lords as they repeatedly told me and my girls to “show our talents.” 

There are no hard feelings, it is all a show for the audience and judges. After the stage, every person is only human. This is also how we have been trained to handle banters against the organisation, there are no hard feelings, and after the laughs and jests on stage, we go about our lives. We move!

What are your expectations for the semi-finals?

I anticipate our win again in the semi-finals. I am pretty sure we are going to shine once again, and we will advance to the finals to secure the win for our prestigious hall. For now, I admonish Queenites to keep cheering for us, come with their purple, and if they believe and can, pray for us with all their hearts.

What do you want your team members to remember about this year's Journey?

 I want them to remember that together we can. I also want them to remember that it always pays to be yourself and stay diligent to give things the time and work required. Also, I want them to remember that this would not have been possible without their help and that I am infinitely grateful to have met and worked with them. 

We go higher and higher. We can’t stop here. Jaw War is only the beginning of where these fantastic ladies are going. They are climbing global stages!

 What do the wins of the Queens Elizabeth II Hall L&D mean to you personally?

 To me, it is evidence of all that I have believed and seen about the L&D. Each time we win, it brings a smile to my face reassuring me that all that I have dreamed of for the L&D and all the visions I have of the society, is not a mere optimistic notion but a reality that I get to see with each win (and one that I will get to see with each member stepping out to mount the global stages I always talk about).

 What message would you like to share with Queens Hall residents and supporters?

 Keep believing, keep working and being yourself. Finally, keep us in your prayers. Roar at the top of your voice at the semi-finals. Queens Hall is not small, and we are producing strong global ladies. Jaw War is only the start.

 Thank yo

u, ma’am. This interview has ended.

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