By Juliet Sanni

Have you ever wondered why you are in school? Many people come to school with the wrong perception, thinking they are knowledgeable or learned, but they are not. People come to school thinking they are superior to those who do not attend. However, they lack understanding of why they are in school in the first place.

A school is both a building and an institution where people go to be educated, and where teaching and learning activities take place. The colonial masters brought civilization to Nigeria and, in doing so, introduced formal education which led to the establishment of schools in Nigeria. This was a game-changer for the country. Since the introduction of formal education in Nigeria, there has been significant improvement in the country as a whole. Even before the intproduction of formal education, our forefathers were educated, albeit not formally. They were taught the customs of the land and educated by the elders on the best way to behave in society. This is what is known as African traditional education.

Many of our past leaders recognized the vital importance of education. They embraced it with the urgency of someone in search of oxygen to survive, understanding its profound significance at a soul-deep level. They realized that education encompasses not only academic learning but also all other aspects of life.

Nowadays, when you look at the educational system of this country, the value of education has dropped. A lot of people believe that going to school is to read and pass; have a good result, or come out with a first class. While all these are very important,  is that all there is to school?

A lack of understanding of why you are in school draws the life out of it. A school is a place where we learn and broaden our knowledge but it is more than that. Going to school is another facet of life. A lot of students have the wrong misconception about school; after all, it is about the grades, let me just read and pass! Are you sure? The grades will come and go but the knowledge remains, so when you read, know why you read, and you read to implement to better yourself and make a contribution to the society.

Going to school is another area of socialization. Yes, we are being taught, but what has that knowledge done to you as an individual, and as a member of the community? Your ability to utilize the knowledge given to you for innovation is something worth going to school for. Like I said it is an avenue for socialization, a lot of people do not know who they are but being in such an environment can help one find one’s purpose. There should be a clear distinction from one who goes to school to another who doesn’t because you have a lot of opportunities to make you a better person. That is how it is meant to be but because a lot of people do not understand why they are there can’t bring out meaning. They only see it as a place to make good grades and that is why the knowledge given to them can’t be used effectively. In some cases, you see a first-class student working for a second-class student, which in any case does not mean to ridicule one but to bring out a meaning.

I believe that it’s important to provide students with a comprehensive orientation so that they understand the true purpose of their education. Additionally, teachers should receive proper guidance on how to effectively educate their students. The value of education extends beyond professional courses; notable figures in academia like Chinua Achebe utilized their writing to advocate for positive change in the country. Society needs to recognize that every sector has a role to play in the community. While achieving good grades is important, it should not be the sole motivation for attending school. Education is about more than just grades; it’s about personal growth and development. Having a good grade is important for students, but that should not be the driving force behind why you came to school. It is way beyond grades and more about SELF.

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