UI SU Release: School Fees Payment on Hold Indefinitely

Marvelous Joseph

 In the late hours of the day of 31st of July, 2024, a memorandum was disseminated by the University of Ibadan Student Union to the UI community that students should hang in on as regards the payment of school fees as it has been postponed indefinitely.

Concerned about the financial capabilities of students to paying the huge amount of school fees, the student union has been able to reach a consensus with the school management as regards diminishing the enormous amount allocated for school fees. The initial deadline 4th of August 2024, which was endorsed by the school management has been reverted as the directives sent by the student union reads "The union wishes to remind UITES that the earlier date announced as deadline for fees payment (August 4th, 2024) is postponed indefinitely."

The directives showed some form of empathy that as a yield to the protest that was held on the 16th and 17th of July 2024, the information given by the school management that there would be a review on the current price of school fees is currently on deliberation which will soon be approved by the governing council of the University, hence, giving a firm assurance to troubled and disturbed students who think the initial directive sent by the school management is no longer viable. As stated in the memorandum, "Therefore, we enjoin the students to hold off on school fees payments until all this is sorted out" every student is expected to hold on as school fees payments is concerned till when a new instruction will be given. 

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