Rotaract Club University of Ibadan Holds Induction Fellowship

The Induction Ceremony of the Rotaract Club of the University of Ibadan was held on the 4th of August, 2024 and began at 4:15 PM with the Rotary Grace, Four-Way Test, and a recitation of the purpose and goals of the Rotaract Club. Dignitaries such as past presidents, zonal officers, and district representatives were introduced.


Rotaractors present introduced themselves before a meet and greet session where inductees mingled. The guest speaker, PDDR Olaleye Gbolaran, spoke on the prospects in the Rotaract Club and what is expected of Rotaractors. He informed the intending members that by the end of their service to the club, they were expected to have improved in several aspects of their lives, including their conduct.

He emphasized the importance of networking and fellowship with other clubs, as well as joining Rotary International later on. He encouraged them to attend meetings regularly and actively participate in committees while aiming for leadership positions. He also discussed the perks of being in the Rotaract Club.

The intending Rotaractors were awarded their pins and then took their oath. The President of the Club, Rotaractor Olapade Adebayo Beloved, welcomed the newly inducted Rotaractors in his speech. The best inductee was awarded a gift. The Induction Fellowship ended at 6:05 PM.

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