By Olufunmilola Oludare
Photo Credit: Pexels
Make a difference or…No! I should stay on the fence
I’d stretch for more, and be my best, I can’t settle for less
Just like a strong boxer, I’m always on the part of defence
I give it my all, every day; at my doorstep I see success
But, to what end? I ask! I can’t even feel my presence
The voices in my head rumble, they renew my weakness
I want to be this tall, pretty, wild and full of confidence
Again and again, I cower, into the shadows, I must confess
This race is for the swift, I just can’t run through, it’s intense
I try every day, but I can’t speak up, I just lay there, in loneliness
Every time, I keep explaining, cho cho cho, no evidence
They say, “Speak up”, but my voice is gone, no more boldness
When does this end? Say the truth, have some conscience!
At the end of the tunnel, I can see no light, just darkness
I fight every day, to live, to show up, to stay in prominence
Is it even worth it, living and dying, life is worthless
I can’t wear heels, I can’t slay suits or skirts, it’s no pretense
I’m too scared of murder, I can’t even kill my soreness
They say “You’d be fine, you’d pull Through” but it’s of no essence
If I leave tomorrow, don’t forget my long-gone warmness
I’d do my bits, stretch my hand and try my best to find a new resurgence
Don’t envy me, I have nothing now, I’m just here, full of coldness
Perhaps, one day, I’ll be back here, to stage an emergence
Or maybe I’ll never find my way back, forever lost in hopelessness