
By Kareem Olajumoke

 If you think treachery is just a mere word, then think again. I'm Ejim Adebayo. Well, with my name, you'd think I'm a boy, but I'm a girl. My name stems from two different tribes in the country. People around me are confused, and honestly, I'm not even sure what story to tell people anymore.

I was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Adebayo. They said they found me in front of their gate with "Ejim" tagged on my baby cap, so Ejim became my first name. They've been the best family I could've ever asked for or at least that's what I thought.

Growing up, I had a close relationship with Timi, Mr and Mrs. Adebayo's biological son. Timi and I were like siblings, even though we weren't related by blood. He was always protective of me, looking out for me like an older brother. Our bond grew stronger over the years, and he became a constant in my life.

After I graduated, I started to work at "Ken and Kim's" restaurant, where I worked as a server on weekdays, to get the money flowing in. On one of those days when we closed early, I decided to walk home instead of ordering a bolt. After a five-minute walk, I noticed a woman following me. I tried ignoring her, but when she turned in the same direction as me, I realized she was following me. She looked helpless and sad, and her dress was unkempt.

I quickly dialed Timi's number to pick me up at "Ola's" junction, which is about ten minutes from my street. Timi arrived earlier than usual, thank God! He started to ask if I was alright. He is always very protective of me. He isn't even in support of me working, promising to give me money whenever I need it. I just insisted on being independent as a young girl.

As I was about to enter his car, I looked back, and surprisingly, I didn't see the woman again. Timi noticed the worry on my face, but I assured him I was fine. Then we both left for the house. The thought of that woman lingered in my mind before I finally fell asleep.

The next day, my shift was in the evening. I closed around 9 p.m. As I was about to order a bolt the thought of the woman lingered in my mind, so I decided to walk home again. On my way home, I noticed the same woman from the last time again. I don't know where I got the boldness from, but I walked up to her and challenged her on why she was following me.

All she did was start crying and utter a strange phrase: "You look so much like him."

"Him? Who are you, please? Who exactly do I look like?"

She insisted she had to meet my parents to be sure of her conviction, part of me trusted her, and I took her home.

At the sight of her, Mr and Mrs Adebayo were frightened. All I heard was, "What are you doing here, you vile woman?"

I was waiting to hear more when I saw the woman pull out a gun and demand they tell me the truth.

"What truth?" I replied, bewildered.

They started to confess. "Ejim... she's your mother," said Mrs. Adebayo. The words that came out of her mouth that very moment were rather unbelievable. I shuddered and staggered back as the words hit me like a bomb.

"How did it happen? What exactly led to this event?" I demanded, my mind couldn’t focus as millions of questions ran through my mind. Everything, everyone, and everywhere felt so strange at that moment. My life changed in a blink. I didn't know who to face, what to do, or how to react I just felt numb. As many worlds came crashing down, I couldn’t believe my whole life was a lie.

According to 'Mom Adebayo,' my biological dad got hit by their vehicle one fateful night. He died instantly from the fatality. They imprisoned my biological mom after her husband's death, accused her of stalking and threatening them, and threatened her to give up her baby, who was barely crawling then. All charges against her proved guilty, so she was sentenced to five years in prison. Their explanations sounded incoherent and very impossible as I wondered how they could get away with such cruelty.

She was still explaining when I heard the sound of a gun and I could see a pool of blood followed after. I looked to see the source of the gunshot, and lo and behold, it was Timi. The victim was none other than me. Timi? But why? I saw his eyes all consumed with rage. Slowly, I fell.

To think I've been living a life of lies and with murderers all my life. I closed my eyes as I welcomed death and slipped into utter darkness.

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