By Abraham Olohigbe


 It has been said by people, though by a few, that blood is thicker than water, but it does not guarantee love. People in families have so many similarities in their actions and ways and most times can’t be separated from their families. It has been seen time and again that people are born into families where love is absent, they are brewed in hatred.

In Africa, it has been said by many that their families feel entitled to their hard-earned money, and they feel the need to control every aspect of their lives, even down to the relationships they keep. Some families go as far as making the love lives of their siblings or children messy, even going as far as meddling and disrupting marriages.

Turning a relationship into thorns and thistles is harmful but not as harmful as killing them, but there are stories of family members killing one of their own. There’s a story of twin brothers who lived together in their thirties, but one day after an argument, one of the twins killed the other in his sleep. How brutal, right? Well, it’s quite tragic to know the same blood ran through their veins but his blood killed him. The Bible has an illustration of such a tragic story of two brothers, one of whom was Cain and the other Abel. Abel was killed by Cain over his sacrifice being accepted.

Blood itself can stop one from blossoming into one's true self, but not all blood lacks love to give. Blood can be mandatory, but love is an extra package that blood comes with, with or without. Love and blood do mix, but they are very independent entities; they either mix or stand far apart.

Blood, although thick and essential for your existence, doesn’t guarantee you are loved or cared for. This blood can either make or mar you; blood can destroy you and can also disguise itself as love sometimes.



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