Leafy Vegetables are very important in Nigerian delicacy. There is almost no part of Nigeria where leafy vegetables are not used at all in traditional food preparation. Leafy Vegetables are a good source of nutrients and different types can be found in Nigeria. Let's talk about five of these leafy vegetables we can easily get in Nigeria.


Scent Leaf

This leaf is commonly known as "efinrin" among the Yorubas, "Nnchanwu' among the Igbos, and "Daidoya" among the Hausas. It is commonly used to give a good aroma to the food and also to add medicinal and nurture to the meal. It is used in Banga soup, chicken pepper soup, stews, black soup, and so on. It can also be obtained from any Nigerian vegetable market.


Fluted Pumpkin /Ugwu

These vegetables are commonly called "ewe elegede" among the Yorubas, "Ugwu" by the Igbos, and "Kabewa" by the Hausas. They are also known for being highly medicinal and nutritious. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, fibers, and also antioxidants. They are also very common in Nigeria. These leaves are commonly used in melon soup and vegetable soup (ẹfọ riro)




They are known as "Gbure" in Yoruba land. This species of vegetable sprouts on almost all types of soil during the rainy season. As the name implies, these leaves add water to the delicacy. They can also be cooked alone as vegetable soup or be added to melon soup or even cooked with other vegetables.




These particular leafy vegetables are called "ewuro" in Yoruba, "Shuwaka" in Hausa, and "onugbu" in Igbo. These leaves are commonly known for their bitterness. They are highly medicinal. They are also washed thoroughly before cooking because of bitterness. Some people enjoy cooking it alone as a vegetable soup while others prefer adding it to some other delicacy to spice things up.





These leaves are also very common in Nigeria. The Yorubas foundling call it "Ewedu" while the Igbo call them "Kerenkere" and Hausa "Rama Ayoyo."

It is also common in Asia and some parts of Africa aside from Nigeria. Jute leaf is called Egyptian spinach, Jewish mallow, and Molokhia.

Jute leaf is taken with stew which mis eat or fish etc and it's mostly taken with swallow in Nigeria.

Vegetables are good for the body. They are full of fibers, vitamins, and minerals. They are also low in calories.


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