By Joeseph Marvelous 

Have you ever cried because you suddenly feel remote from your various emotions?

Is it just me that butterflies run through my belly?

 I saw this guy one day at a conference, and the moment he walked passed me, he became my seminarian throughout the conference. The slightest movement he made gave me the thrills. He was just what you would call "my spec". I had an opportunity to say hi because of the opportunity of the peculiarities of the conference. Just like in movies, there was a playback and rehearsals of what happened at the conference, I couldn't take my mind off him, I wished I had his number, I just wanted to be with him, hold his hands, be in his warm embrace, build castles around him and do every 'mushy-mushy things' these feelings do to one. One day, I met him again. Unfortunately, I saw a lady with him. I felt a little sad and bothered. I thought of giving it a try so I approached him and said 'hi'. I also went ahead to explain to him that we had met before and how.  He replied to me heartwarming expression and sent chills down my throat. He mentioned that he couldn't remember me vividly but he was glad I  remembered him. Meet my second bone, heartthrob. My heart melted and I said thank you and walked away with a heavy heart. 

As royal damsels, we're built with very soft emotions. Our emotions are triggered at the slightest thing you would never expect to tense your emotions. It could be the guy's voice, dressing style, walking steps, or the colour of his skin that gives you that spark in your emotions. If you're not careful with the sparks, you could flame it up and it blows up to be a big fire that'll be difficult to put out. If it's someone you know probably a coursemate or someone you have access to, you'll always want to speak with the person every moment, stay by his side, want his to touch you, embrace you and all those mushy mushy things that come with emotions spark. If you're not so careful, you'll fall into the net of emotional attachment especially when the guy gives you all the attention you deserve, the warmth embrace you long for. When this goes on for a while, you'll both find yourself in a situation and then your ship begins to situation you two. 

  On the other hand, what turns the table could be when the guy doesn't even look at your side. You're the only one feeling the feeling or you've been trying to get his attention but his attention is detention for you. Just like me in my little short story, you begin to feel sad, and bad when you see this guy your emotions are tying a string around with a girl or he doesn't even look your way. That way you feel hurt having the feelings in the first place or you tag him in your mind. 

Dearest damsel, it's very hard to quench love when you set the flame at the wrong time. Don't get yourself emotionally attached to a guy or try to get his attention to save your desires. Trust me, this will pass. It's very natural for you to have these feelings, it's so okay to see a guy and like him but don't use that as a means for wrapping your emotions in a ship. You might lose it at the end when you find out that he has someone already or you can't cope with the ship of the situation again when you get closer. Emotional attachment is like a fish trapped in the fisher's net. When you get emotionally attached, you begin to drool and then your value degrades when you begin to make advances yourself. Your emotions can be subjective to you, once your emotions get control, you won't be able to handle them because they'll set you ablaze and you won't quench them. Dive your emotions into the best of things you love to do, add value to yourself and raise your standard high such that they drool for you, you don't drool for them.

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