I've most times felt like I really want a break from these blood flowing thing that comes from me every month. I don't know if it's only me that feels this way but I certainly would buy a break if there were chances to. Many a time a lot of challenges come up before during and after our monthly flow like premenstrual cramps, heavy flow, loss of appetite, increased appetite for sugar, running temperature, vomiting and that's why some people like me or averagely 50% of ladies get tired of monthly flow. Unfortunately, we can't stop the flow, it comes at will and goes at will. We can only observe some certain precautions against some challenges to prevent severity. The irony of life on this matter can be termed to the popular saying that says "one man's meat is another man's poison".  

What works for one person is an abomination to another. I can remember vividly one time when I had severe dysmenorrhea and one of my friends said, take two tablet of felvin, it works for me. I took those drugs but it had no effect on the pain. I decided to try hot pap without sugar and milk, within an hour, the pain lessened and I was much more relived. What works for one person might not work for another. You might have had encounters with laides who takes a lot of chocolates, sugar and sweet things but they never experience period mildest pain and while some just a stick of sweet will make them roll on the floor like the wave of the sea. You see it? What an irony! The best way to manage your well-being during periods is just to study your body. Know what triggers your pain, know what to use and what not to use that will trigger your pain.

 Period days could be trying and challenging yet, you have to really take proper care of yourself. You don't have to look like what you're going through. Know what works for you what doesn't. I had this two roommates then Pearl and Ella. Ellay is a girl that whenever she's on her period, she usually have severe dysmenorrhea but when you look at her, she becomes more beautiful and her skin glows but Pearl most times look lean and pale. Ella doesn't look good because she had a special medicare treat she uses during her period. We could say a number of factors could be a cause. It could be her body type, eating well, regular exercises etc. The popular saying you're what you eat is a linked connection with this issue. Whatever you eat makes you either now or in future.

Dear royalty, it's demanded that you take your personal hygiene to the peak. Make it your priority either before, during and after your period. Your hygiene tells us who you really are. Don't pile up your stained sanitaires for days, weeks without washing them. Change your panties twice a day, take your bath, put on a nice perfume or roll on if you sweat so much. Look okay and presentable. Your personal hygiene during your period or without your period Is key to cleaniness; as it it said cleaniness is next to godliness. 

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