Plantain porridge is one of the delicious foods that is made and eaten in Nigeria. In the hustle and bustle of early morning classes and busy days, it is a nourishing breakfast that sets the tone for a productive day.

It is easy to prepare, does not take time and takes the same process as 'yam porridge' with just a little twist and taste. This can be done within 30 minutes

The meal can be made from unripe, ripe and a combination of both plantains. It is more nourishing if made from unripe plantains as it contains Iron and this helps in maintaining glucose levels in the blood. Unripe plantain is highly required as a meal for diabetic patients. Ripe plantains have already lost Iron content and are just a carbohydrate.

To get a faint sugary taste both can be combined.


Serving:2-3 people

*2 unripe and 1 ripe but firm plantain

*50ml palm oil

*Roughly blended pepper mix( Bell pepper(tatashe), scotch bonnet (bawa), and onion).

* Crayfish.

*  Any preferred Vegetable

* Seasoning and Salt.

*Sliced onions.

*Smoked fish



*Peel the plantains and cut them into chunks after being thoroughly washed then set aside.

*Place a pot on medium heat add palm oil and heat for 2-3minutes

*Add the chopped onions and fry for 2 minutes. Do not burn.

*Add the roughly blended pepper then add water and bring to a boil.

*Add the chopped plantain, Seasoning, and salt to taste and cook for about 10 minutes.

*Add the smoked fish and crayfish and allow it to cook for 3 minutes.

*Stir together and adjust the taste if needed.

*Mash some of the plantains and leave some for texture.

*Add sliced vegetables and allow it to cook for 4 minutes then mix until it is evenly combined.

*Turn off the heat and serve your delicious plantain porridge.


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