By A'ishat Akano

I felt a tap on my feet. I don't know why I opened my eyes immediately after the third tap. I was still asleep but I was already conscious for a while. I slightly opened my eyes. I could see a figure bending over to me and whispering something. I tried to decipher her voice but just couldn't. She tapped one again. This time it was much heavier than the previous one. I didn't need anything to translate her voice again to me. This time it was loud and clear. "Ire, dide! You want to start the new year with this habit of waking up by the middle of the day". It was my mother. I was surprised, yet not surprised. It's only my mother that has the nerve to interrupt anyone doing anything in my family. I turned over to lay my back on the bed, but before I could achieve the proper position,  she was gone, mumbling and complaining.

"What is the best way to start the day? The year?" I stared at the ceiling for as long as the answer appeared. "To have a word with God". Yes, that's the answer I need. I rolled out my bed, carried the best book in the universe and flipped the pages without any intention. I let my mind and instinct have its way.

After a few minutes, I heard my mother calling out my name. I really can't wait to go back to school. All these wahala are not for me. She wants me to join her in the kitchen to cook for the family. We don't cook for everyone during the New Year. We do all our celebrations, cooking for the entire neighbourhood during Christmas. I dragged myself downstairs motivated by the thought that I would be free very soon. I know I will grab any opportunity if it guarantees that I don't have to be disturbed by anyone.


Time went by so slowly, but the evening eventually came. I grabbed an opportunity for me to escape and be alone.

Source: Pinterest 

Privacy is underrated, and at home, I rarely get it. I dragged my feet across the estate road. I smiled as I saw some kids playing a game that had them pulling each other's cheek when they lost. I car passed by and I made eye contact with the driver in the car. He smiled at me. I smiled back. He must have felt my exact feelings when I saw the children.

These little gestures, I thought made humans embody the art in the act called living. I thought of how everyone must be planning and creating new resolutions for the year. I couldn't decipher the reason behind the struggle of men or maybe I did but I just hoped we could find happiness in the little things. I promised I'd just live the year and probably, allow the year to live itself too.

As I approached the playground I saw a couple of girls playing and hustling to get to the top of the stairs. They tried to skip steps in their struggle to reach the end of the stairs.

"Don't do that." I said at once to them.

They ignored my warning and repeated the act. One of the girls staggered and I caught her before she could fall.

"See, I told you not to do that". I said.

"Do what?" The other girl who had stopped too asked. The girl who fell was still too startled to say anything.

"Take it a step at a time". I said and smiled.

"Do not rush yourself". "This is not supposed to be a race if who gets to the top first, it should be a race focused on yourself, on you reaching the top and doing it the right way". The girls shared a confused look.

"Just take a step at a time". I said.

I tapped the two girls on their shoulders and continued my journey which had no destination. I know deep down the words I said to the girls, where meant for me.

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