Unveiling The Thorn In Her
By Abraham Favour Olohigbe
voice that gives her nightmares and Goosebumps brought her back to earth. She
could feel her heart beating fast, one would know that she was anxious and
scared. Tíke wanted to take to her heels, but like every other time, her legs
wouldn’t move. She began to try to regulate her breathing so as to look
comported and brave. “ Oh, I thought you had given up on your obsession, Manuel,
or do you still make other girls miserable?” Tíke replied to him. He looked at
her and smiled wickedly “Just one guy and you’ve grown wings, beware or you’ll
be sorry.” As he said this, his friend, Patrick was moving towards him. “ Emma,
how far na, I don tell you to talk say make we no near your cousin again if not
yawa go gas” Patrick whispered to Emmanuel and they began walking off.
Well, you
could say Patrick had changed a bit but birds of a feather flock together, he
had done the same thing to girls in her secondary school where the children in
her extended family had met him. Tike knew she had to go see her cousin, Mide
in the Post Graduate Hall to explain everything to her. She didn’t even walk
down to her hostel she headed down to the PG Hall instantly, thankfully Mide
was around and she let her in. Tíke burst into tears as she walked into her
room “ Eeeeee!!!!!!! Hope he hasn’t started again, Tike?” she exclaimed. Well,
for a long while Manuel had not come close to her but now that he has, he has brought
every memory back in vibrant colours. Tike went on to explain to Mide, who had
advised her times without number to try out another school but she couldn’t
because her parents wouldn’t agree. “ Avoid him at all costs then, since no
other way works”.
Two months
after the ordeal she had with Manuel, Loius asked her to be his girlfriend to
which she finally agreed and the relationship was the talk of the campus. Most
people came up with different stories of how they ended up together both funny
and useless ones that make one more angry than laughing. It was well for so
long, they all finished their final year and were serving when the timeless
bomb was triggered. A night before their graduation, the most unimaginable
thing happened.
It was a bright Saturday morning, but it wasn’t the usual one. The
whole campus was gloomy just because of a particular news that had spread. Three
people had gone missing, they disappeared like smoke into thin air. The only
reason that made people know it was a suicide note left on Tíke's reading table
in her room. It included all she had been through and why she was taking her
own life.
It is said
that she had left the hostel at the wee hours of the morning and her roommate
had said she was so lively, that she didn’t even perceive the smell of the
impending doom.
Well, do you wonder
why I know her story so much? I am not
her but I met her on the very morning that Louis, Manuel, and Tíke went missing.
I saw her that morning as a broken, beaten, and bartered and I walked up to her
and asked if she was fine to which her replies were tears. After a while, she
poured out her heart and told me everything, but I guess it was too late at the
time she talked. She had asked her loved ones for it but they deprived her of
that. She tricked me also with that beautiful smile of hers and said “Thank you, beautiful
stranger. We
might meet again”.
Everybody on
campus had no idea what ensued after our little combo, every effort to find
them was futile. No one knows if they all died or they all lived, or if one of
them is still alive. However, life continues and as the humans that we are, we put
what happened behind us. What we’ve learnt the most is to abandon an issue that
yields no result and forget about curbing the reoccurrences of bad experiences.
The End