By: AFỌLÁBÍ E. Simisólá
In response to the repair of the lighting issue at A Block's ground floor and Zik Hall for electrical repairs, an unexpected power surge occurred in G, H, and the Porter's Lodge during the early hours of Sunday, around 3 am. Furthermore, on the night of Saturday, there was a power outage at the cafeteria and the senior common room.
The hall supervisor suspects that this entire issue stems from a misconnected cable during the repair process. It has been confirmed that there was no false fire alarm, as had been mistakenly communicated among the residents of Queen's Hall.
Currently, the UI Maintenance Team is diligently addressing the issue. However, as of this morning, there is no definite date for power restoration. The affected blocks include A Block's 1st floor, as well as C, D, E, F, G, and H block. Notably, A Block's ground floor, B, and I Block remain unaffected by the power outage.
Additionally, the power outage has had repercussions on the availability of water within the hall.