Did you know?
Starfish have no brains or blood.
Pigs can experience orgasms that last for an average of 30 minutes.
Male koalas have both male and female sex organs.
You produce about 40,000 liters of saliva in your lifetime, enough to fill around 500 bathtubs.
You can cancel free trials before they expire.
Dishwashers need to be cleaned too.
Venus is the only planet that spins clockwise.
The world's largest desert is in Africa.
Babies don't typically cry until they are one month old.
Hot water can freeze faster than cold water in certain conditions (known as the Mpemba effect).
"i.e." and "e.g." are not the same thing.
Humans shed approximately 40 pounds of skin in their lifetime.
Snow is not a reliable source of hydration.
The number 2 is the only even prime number.
Fingernails tend to grow faster than toenails.
You can't fully taste food without saliva.
The legs of a bat are so thin that bats cannot walk.
Oxygen is not colorless; it is often depicted as a pale blue.
Babies do not have fully developed kneecaps at birth.
Craving ice can be a symptom of iron deficiency.
Sharp knives are generally safer than dull ones when used correctly.
Women cannot give birth after they die.
Men cannot become aroused post mortem.
The color you perceive in pitch darkness is called "Eigengrau" or "intrinsic gray."
You are more likely to yawn more often than to eat breakfast.
Microscopic ants may live on your face.
You are the tallest first thing in the morning due to spinal compression throughout the day.
Your hair growth may be influenced by your ethnic background.
Victorians once used leeches to predict the weather.
Banging your head against the wall for one hour burns approximately 150 calories.