By Sunmonu Halimat Mausi

Ogbono soup is a popular Nigerian delicacy enjoyed across the country. It is most common in the Eastern part of Nigeria.  It’s a viscous soup prepared with and proteins like beef, snail, stock fish and it’s also served with “swallow”. It’s made from the seeds of the ogbono fruit, typically dried in the sun, and ground, and sold in powdered form or whole. Its highly mucilaginous component thickens in soups is what most people enjoy. It can be prepared with ugu leaves if desired.


1)Ogbono seed

2)Stockfish head

3)Ponmo - cowhide

4)Sharki - Tripe

5) Beef

6)Fresh pepper or Dry pepper



9)Salt - to taste

10)Seasoning cubes


 Palm oil

Ugu ( pumpkin leaves).



Step 1: In a medium-sized pot, place the meat snails in the pot. Add your chopped onion, seasoning cubes, and salt to taste. Cover the pot and leave the meat to cook in its juices for 5-10 minutes.

Step 2: Add water and cook for 10 minutes. Remove the beef and snail so they don't get overcooked.

Step 3: Heat up palm oil in an empty pot for 30 seconds and Add pepper. Stir fry for 2 minutes.

Step 4: Turn down the heat from the burner and add the ogbono. Stir on very low heat for 30 seconds then add the meat stock. Mix well.


Step 5: Add water into the pot. If you want it to be very thick, add a little water. If you don't want the soup to be too thick, add water as desired.

Step 6: Here's the tricky part. If you're sure you're using the real ogbono, you can cover your pot. If you're using Ugiri (An ogbono substitute), DON'T COVER YOUR POT else the soup will lose its viscosity. Once the ogbono thickens, Add the crayfish and cooked proteins into the pot.

Step 7: Mix to combine, then add your chopped vegetables. Leave to simmer for 2 minutes on low heat then turn off your burner and your ogbono is ready.

Serve with your favorite swallow. Enjoy!


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