
Moi-Moi, a delicious meal made from beans that originated from the Western part of the country has gone far and wide and has become a lot of people's favorite. Moi-Moi is a mixture of pureed beans, and protein fillings(boiled fish, boiled egg, beef, prawns, cooked liver)which is then steamed. This bean pudding is different from akara, which is deep fried in hot vegetable or palm oil and is mostly as breakfast with Bread, Akamu, or as a side with rice. It can also be eaten alone. Moi-Moi is nutritious and very tasty.


1) Honey Beans

2)Pepper( scotch bonnet and Reb bell pepper)

3)Protein fillings

4) Onion

5) Maggi




-Soak the beans for about 10 to 15 minutes.

-Wash to remove the skin

-Pour the beans into a large bowl. Add enough water to cover the beans.

-Swirl all around till the skin floats, then pour off the skin.

-Repeat the process a couple of times until all the skin comes off totally

-Prepare the bowls or leaves –  Wash whatever you're using to steam

-Pour the batter into the bowls or leaves

-Add the boiled egg on top. Add the fish, and cooked liver too. You don’t have to push it deep into the mix.

-Put the pot on the stove and add boiled water.

-Arrange the Moi Moi in the pot and cover. Allow it to steam for like 45 minutes. If you notice that the water in the pot has dried up, carefully add more water.

-Remove from stove afterward and serve hot!!



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