By Sunmonu Halimat Mausi

1)Tigers’ skin is actually striped, just like their fur. Also, no two fur patterns are alike.

2)Flamingoes are only pink because of chemicals called carotenoids in the algae and fish (which also eat the algae) they eat; their feathers are grayish-white when they're born.

3)Mosquitoes are the deadliest animal in the world: They kill more people than any other creature, due to the diseases they carry.

4)What do Miss Piggy and Yoda have in common? They were both voiced by the same person, puppeteer Frank Oz.

5)Psycho was the first movie to show a toilet flushing.

6)One of the most famous movie lines in history was never said. We often quote, “Play it again, Sam,” from Casablanca; but the real line is, “Play it, Sam. Play ‘As Time Goes By.’”

7)The green code in The Matrix was actually created from symbols in the code designer’s wife’s sushi cookbook.

8)The wedding of Princess Diana and Prince Charles was watched by 750 million people worldwide in 1981; sadly, 2.5 billion watched her funeral in 1997.

9)With 3.572 billion viewers, half the world’s population watched the 2018 FIFA World Cup of soccer (or football, as many international fans call it), which is held every four years. That number is on par with the 2016 Summer Olympics, but only a quarter of the world watched the less-popular Winter Olympics in 2018.

10)There are no muscles in your fingers: Their function is controlled by muscles in your palms and arms.

11)The hardest working muscle in your body is your heart—it pumps more than 2,000 gallons of blood a day and beats more than 2.5 billion times in a 70-year lifespan.

12)It’s impossible to hum while holding your nose (just try it!).

13) The earth’s circumference is 24,900 miles.

14)All of an adult human’s blood vessels, if laid out end to end, would be about 100,000 miles, so they could encircle the earth four times.

15)According to recent research, the human nose can distinguish at least a trillion different odors.

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