By AFỌLÁBÍ Esther Simisólá
Miss Adebari Oyindamola’s DEXTERITY agenda which was aimed at promoting skillfulness in performance and resourcefulness in the social development of the hall has come to an end. We shall analyze in detail the extent to which she exercised prowess and competence during her tenure.
During Miss Adebari’s manifesto night, she promised to plan a Miss Fresher competition during the fresher’s week to promote cordial relationships among freshers. Unfortunately, Miss Adebari failed to execute this plan during the Freshers’ Week. The Fresher’s Week was held in the first semester with no nomination or competition held. She also promised a social gathering among members of the hall once every semester, stating that it would help to reduce the stress of the Queenites’ academic workload. No social gathering was held aside from the events held during the hall week; one of the major duties of the office of the Vice Hall Chairperson in collaboration with the office of the Social Director.
In a bid to create opportunities for Queenites, Miss Adebari promised to work with modelling agencies for skill empowerment and employability and activities relating to craft work, communication skills and digital marketing. Speaking to some Queenites, such activities were not organized. A skill acquisition program was held in the Junior Common Room and none of the aforementioned skills were taught.
The last point in Miss. Adebari’s Dexterity agenda was to organize a common pot cooking competition during the hall week, the hall week has come and gone, and her promises have shown no results.
Critically examining Miss Adebari’s plans, it seems that her plans held no water and were mere words to convince Queenites to cast their votes in her favor rather than her opponents’. In her manifesto, she concluded that her plans could only be achieved with the support of Quuenites. Did Miss. Adebari have the support of Queenites? To a large extent, Queenites showed support and interest in activities held by the hall and if otherwise, it was Miss Adebari’s responsibility to ensure active participation.
Earlier in the session, Miss Adebari was unable to give concrete comments on her plans for Queenites and was inaccessible most times because she was ‘busy’. A promise, as they say, is a debt and after careful evaluation, Miss Adebari Oyindamola has debts to pay.