By Aliu Precious
During the election season, it is not uncommon to see aspirants with manifestos - beautifully structured documents with captivating words - within which lie novel plans that address every problem within the reach of their office. These candidates profess to do everything they can to solve these problems as soon as they get into office. They present innovative and persuasive ideas and promise that these plans would be implemented. However, within a few months into their tenure, we begin to consider if the printed sheets of their manifesto have been forgotten in their folders or if they are working according to plan.
In November 2021, the Hall Chairperson, Ajayi Toluwanimi Elizabeth presented before Queenites her manifesto and a careful review of that manifesto as well as her tenure reveals some gray areas. ATE, in her manifesto, claimed she would groom and nurture bright minds in different fields by working with successful business personnel, academic scholars, tech gurus, past successful Queenites, and also stated that she would create opportunities for Queenites to represent the hall in various competitions, financial summits, academic seminars, business and entrepreneurship seminars to help groom business oriented Queenites.
These plans were documented in the hall chairperson’s manifesto but notably absent were the steps to take to achieve these plans. This could mean that the feasibility of this plan was questionable from the beginning, hence the reason why this plan was not executed.
The hall chair stated that she would organize seminars, workshops and vocational training platforms at least twice a semester. The session has ended and none of the three aforementioned programs were organized. She also promised to work hand in hand with the hall management to extend clothing lines and make permanent ropes for clothes, regulate prices at the buttery and cafeteria, and properly monitor judicious delivery of services by cleaners and their agency. Some of these plans did not see the light of day even though they were pregnant with a lot of impact – especially the plan of a provision for extended clothing lines despite attaching the successful implementation of this plan to working with the hall management.
However, she was able to accomplish some of her plans to a reasonable extent as seen in the distribution of packages. She mentioned in her manifesto that there would be a structured system for the distribution of packages. Unlike the previous administration where packages were delivered very late, Queenites received their package early enough this session. Also, samples of the shirts were displayed to Queenites early in the second semester to get feedback before the bulk production and this was in line with her promise to get the opinions of Queenites before producing and sharing the hall shirts.
She was also able to make distinct and admirable changes in certain areas of the hall. One of the high points of her manifesto, which she reiterated in an interview conducted earlier in the session was enforcing political participation in the hall. This was very much achieved as seen in the political presence and participation of Queenites in the session’s electoral season and in the support Queenites pulled for other members who were running for one position or the other.
She was also able to start and complete some capital projects including the renovation of the Queen Elizabeth II Hall Senior Common Room. Also, she performed excellently in the accomplishment of her constitutional duties; responsiveness and accessibility to Queenites. The delivery of Ajayi Toluwanimi Elizabeth during her tenure could be rated as well above average despite some of the plans that were not executed.