Ugbe Olwasanufunmi Unimashi presented her plans to Queenites in “five (5) solid and novel” points. Public Relations Officer, Ugbe Unimashi had huge and feasible plans proposed in her manifesto but by the end of her tenure, some of these did not materialize.
It is worthy of note that the Public Relations Officer has indeed carried out the duties of her office according to the constitution with utmost diligence. As for her plans, some were achieved and some were left unattended to. The points she presented in her manifesto will be examined below.
In her manifesto, she stated that a telegram page will be created to join and view important messages so that no Queenite is left behind on important issues. She promised the page will also be used to promote and showcase the business of Queenites, regardless of the fact that it was in this administration we had the most severe restrictions placed on business owners and entrepreneurs. She created a telegram page named Official Queen Elizabeth II Hall, UI; however, the page only functioned for a few months. The PRO then created a group on WhatsApp which was used to achieve her objective of sharing important information.
The PRO promised that in order to ensure that effective public relation is achieved, a feedback platform which will be named ‘Queen Zone’ will be created. She promised that it will be made available every week and that Queenites can state the problems they are facing in the hall and the solutions that they think could be used to solve them. She also promised that the platform would be used to note upcoming birthdays and events. This platform was not created so it will suffice to say that the problems or challenges faced by Queenites during the session were not documented, reviewed, or addressed.
In her manifesto, she promised that at least one E-magazine will be published during her tenure as PRO. She promised she will work with well-informed and equipped Queenites so as to encourage the intellectual and literary talents of Queenites. No e-magazine was published during this tenure.
While the PRO duly made use of the social media to reach out to Queenites by frequently sharing information via the WhatsApp groups and Instagram page, the promise she made to share nuggets, safety tips, and motivations was not fulfilled. It was stated in her manifesto that in order to foster relationships among Queenites and to also celebrate their success and birthdays, on each occasion permitted, via the social media, she would wish them well. After getting to the office, Miss. Ugbe made an effort to celebrate a number of Queenites but over time, she limited her celebrations on social media to notable Queenites, leaving the general populace out of this provision. By so doing, only a number of Queenites were celebrated as opposed to the promise to celebrate all.