On June 26, 2023, the editorial board of the 2021/2022 Editorial Year of the Queen Elizabeth II Hall Press handed over to a new set of editors. The program held at the Junior Common Room of Queen Elizabeth II Hall.

The ceremony began with the press prayer led by Raimat Lawal, the previous Managing Editor of the press organization. 

Executives of the previous administration, Babatunde Taiwo and Unimashi Ugbe, the former General Secretary and former Public Relations Officer of the hall, were also in attendance.

The outward-bound Editor-in-chief, OmojoOIuwa Oyebimpe, delivered a welcome address where she appreciated pressmen for their service, hardwork and support. She implored members of the press to continue to work hard to achieve results and grow and develop as campus journalists.

The departing Editor of the News desk, Aliu Precious, entreated pressmen and the incoming editors to work in unity stating that it was impossible for an organization to function properly if its members were divided.

Certificates were presented to all pressmen present and those who had shown outstanding service in the previous editorial year.

Miss. Ojolowo was appointed as the financial secretary. The new Editorial Board includes; Omodele Goodness as the News Editor, Halimat Sunmonu as the Lifestyle Editor and General Secretary, Akano Aisha as the Managing Editor and Creative Editor, Afolabi Simisola as the Deputy Editor-in-chief and Features Editor and Agarah Bibisinuoluwa as the Editor-in-Chief.

The ceremony ended at 1:17 with a closing remark by the new Editor-in-Chief.

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