Your Style; Your Identity
Fashion is a statement. It is a typical way people speak without using words. The fashion industry is one of the most recognised industries in the world today. Even though a lot of accolades have been given to it, we still cannot give it respect as much as it deserves. Fashion is a way we tell the world who we are by just showing up. Fashion, to a lot of people, is the general term used in describing clothing, accessories, hairstyles, make-up, handbags, and footwear. However, this is a very narrow way to describe what fashion is.
Style is a form of self-expression. It is a language on its own. A person's style describes their identity. Like the common saying, "the way you dress; is the way you will be addressed". Just like time influences every little thing, there is always a change in fashion or trends. Your style on the hand stays with you. It reflects your mood or feelings as well as your personality.
Fashion over time has turned to a form of entertainment. This is because personalities with great influence have always been the major cause of a shift in fashion trends. Even when the total appearance might not seem comprehensible, they are still modelled. Most people now sacrifice their comfort in the name of looking good, forgetting that fashion should be more about them than the outside world.
Wanting to look good and fashionable is not bad. In fact, it is the right thing to do, but it is not worth trading your comfort for. It is advisable to wear what makes you feel relaxed; something that defines you and not some other person. You should never let yourself be pressured into adopting other people’s styles. I will take a line from Alessia Cara's Scars to your beautiful, "And you don't have to change a thing, the world could change its heart'. Do not change a thing about the way you show yourself. Express yourself in your language. Let the world accept you for who you truly are.
While fashion can be used collectively, your style is an individual affair. Choose what makes you comfortable. Remember, it is not about what others think; it is more about how you feel about yourself. Always do you!