Love can be blind, but it held the torch that opened your eyes to both sides of itself. It showed you how to allow your sense of reasoning fly away and do things you normally won’t find the motivation to do–for yourself and others.
It allowed you to look more into your most inward parts and indulge in loving yourself more than just hashtagging your pictures with #selflove. Love opened your eyes to see parts of yourself that you need to work on. It showed you a style of dressing that needed to walk out of your wardrobe, skincare you welcomed with open arms, that opportunity you grabbed onto like your life depended on it, and so on.
Sometimes, you ask yourself, "Does my idea of love cut it? Or am I living in an illusion? My eyes are open now, and I’m doing things I wouldn’t normally do. Who am I doing it for? Am I going overboard? Will my motivation drop at the slightest ish?”
Your roommate does not make things easy at all. At some minutes past 10 pm yesterday, she was barely 30 seconds into a call and was already giggling uncontrollably, her hand over her mouth. At least, she was considerate of you, who is married to the newly-printed course material. The last time she showed you her newest boyfriend’s picture, you called the tall, dark, handsome and pink-lipped boy a playboy.
You were only watching out for her knowing she is a gone girl, but she accused you of jealousy. You have to bear with her and wait till she comes crying into your arms - again. You shrug, she might cry soon, and she might not—it's one of those things you do for love.
And some things do not stop following you like Goodness and Mercy. They are two girls who never stop showing you the beautiful shoes that fit you perfectly, and your “oh-my-god-just-my-style” dresses that you need money to buy; and you might need to do extra things to get the money to satisfy your wants. Does it matter that it keeps you up at night every day? But is your love worth sacrificing your health for?
As you keep doing the things you do for love, you know that your body might start showing you the obvious signs that it is unhappy with your latest moves. You will start getting tired, and your head will be chiming to a strange song of hammer on nails, in dire need of a break.
At the end, your body will take the role of the doting mother of an erring child, screaming silently “Iwo omo yii, ma pa mi,” which literarily translates to “Don’t kill me,” but at the end of the rope, it demands your attention and applies the brakes. It needs your attention now! At that moment, it says, “Ma pa ara e” (Don’t kill your body).