On March 31, 2023, the Vice Hall Chairperson had a brief chat with the correspondents of QEHP on her accomplishments, challenges, and expectations of Queenites from her office.
QEHP: Good evening, can we meet you?
Nifemi: Hi good evening. I am Aribanusi Oluwanifemi, a 300-level student of Agricultural Economics and the current Vice Hall Chairperson of Queen Elizabeth II Hall, University of Ibadan.
QEHP: How has the administration been so far?
Nifemi: First of all, I want to say a big thank you to Queenites for the privilege to serve them. Honestly it has been a great one.
QEHP: For a great administration so far, can you rate yourself based on all you have done as the Vice-Hall Chairperson?
Nifemi: Apart from my constitutional duties, my office together with the support of other executives has been able to revive to a degree the academic activities in the hall through the organization of tutorials, and compilations of PAST QUESTIONS, especially for the freshers during the last semester's exams. And we are working on making it grander this semester.
QEHP: So using a rating system of 1-10, what would be your score?
Nifemi: I am not the one to rate how well my office has performed but Queenites are in the best position to do the rating. But I believe I am serving Queenites to the best of my ability and with all my heart.
QEHP: What should Queenites look forward to in terms of extracurricular activities this second semester?
Nifemi: Under my office or generally?
QEHP: Both
Nifemi: Well, under my office Queenites should look forward to having a memorable cultural day. And generally, Queenites should look forward to having a memorable hall week.
QEHP: What have been your challenges so far?
Nifemi: Well, I can't really point out any challenges so far but I will say I have learnt a lot in terms of relating with people and balancing my personal, social, academic, and spiritual life.
QEHP: So, how efficient have the committees you created been?
Nifemi: They have been very efficient. I am sure you have also felt their impact (academic committee). The cultural day committee is still being recruited.
QEHP: Well, I have a friend who is in the Faculty of Education and said no tutorials were organized for them last semester. What are you putting in place to ensure that the impact of the academic committee is felt more strongly by Queenites?
Nifemi: I am glad you mentioned this. And that's why I said earlier that I will prefer Queenites to rate how well I have performed. I apologize but it will definitely be looked into this semester and appropriate steps are going to be taken to ensure everyone is catered for academically. More people are being recruited into committees in order to meet everyone's needs.
QEHP: How is your relationship with the executive body and the hall management?
Nifemi: I have a good relationship with them.
QEHP: What special words of wisdom do you have for Queenites?
Nifemi: In the words of my Pastor, Apostle Emmanuel Iren, "Just keep on moving, no matter how bad it is, it's worse when you give up".