Exams cometh in May but where are your notes?
The second semester is drawing to a close and like the first semester, it has proven to be a breezy semester. Just last month, we returned from the election break and we were informed that we had spent the first four weeks of the semester at home. While at home, the school announced that the varsity will be operating a virtual mode of academic learning pending the resumption of students to school. During these four weeks, many departments did little to nothing in terms of lectures or classes. It was like a four weeks holiday except the school calendar was actually running. And four weeks did run off.
Even when we resumed, the first two weeks followed a similar pattern – everyone was still trying to get back into the system. By the time we were done settling down, six weeks of the semester had flown away and it still seemed like the semester had just begun. Welcoming the seventh week had students share funny memes about how their lives were in danger and frankly, the sentiments are true. How did we get to the 7th week and had only done a few lectures? Normally, continuous assessment tests should have begun but rather, lectures for many courses had not started. Seventh week and many of us had not printed out a single material.
Now, we have come to announce to you that the eighth week is over and the coming week is the 9th week on the academic calendar. In view of this, we should ask; how many notes have you read? How many tests have you had? How many materials have you printed? Or are you still walking around leisurely on campus like you would during the first three weeks of the semester? As absurd as the semester has been, social activities are not letting up so therefore, there is no more convenient time to lose the academic/student spirit than now but how safe will that be?
It has been proven over and over that no matter how late lecturers begin to lecture on a course; they can cover five topics in two hours and still give you six standard questions in the exam. So are we safe?
According to the calendar, examinations are starting in May, but many of us are yet to get our groove; truly we are in danger. Some of us have forgotten our notes and materials in one corner of our rooms and until a test is announced, we will not open them. The culture of going to classes has also slowly ebbed out of many students – this has been an unusual semester.
Considering we have just three weeks to the beginning of examinations, those notes must be found and opened now. Justice can still be done to those notes if immediate attention is paid to them. The likelihood of an extension of the semester – though much needed – does not seem feasible as of this moment, so the burden has fallen on us once again to prepare hard. Our freshers must especially be careful. There is no better method to graduating with good honours than starting very well. However strange this semester is, do not be caught unguarded. Good luck, Maybe.