BREAKFAST: The Most Important Meal of the Day


Breakfast is the first and most important meal of the day. As the name implies, it means breaking the overnight fasting. A lot of people tend to skip this important meal for quite several reasons without bearing in mind the consequences of the act. We are all capable of skipping breakfast occasionally; especially on days when we get up later than usual or just do not feel like having it.

Being a repeat offender over time may harm our general health, causing weight gain, increased food cravings, a slow metabolism, and lowered immunity. Research has shown a correlation between skipping breakfast and increased mortality and cholesterol rates; frequent breakfast eaters also do better in school, have fewer food cravings, and feel fuller for a longer time.

Some of the advantages of having breakfast include boosting metabolism. Breakfast helps to boost one's metabolism after a night of rest, which can help burn calories throughout the day.

Breakfast provides the necessary nutrients and energy to the brain, which helps improve concentration, memory, and cognitive function. Eating breakfast can improve a person’s mood and make one feel more alert and energized. It also helps to regulate blood sugar levels, which can reduce mood swings and irritability.

Similarly, skipping breakfast has adverse effects on the body system. One of the most commonly recognised effects is weight gain. Skipping breakfast makes the body crave sugary and fatty foods because it has been starving all night. Taking too much food rich in these nutrients leads to excess body fat.

Skipping breakfast can also result in low blood sugar levels, which can induce hypoglycemia and migraines, headaches, or dizziness. Another possible symptom is a sudden increase in blood pressure, which can result in headaches and migraines.

Extended periods of fasting can lead to a slow metabolism. This will limit the body's ability to burn calories, which can cause fat to build up. When a person skips breakfast, the body system might interpret it as fasting. 

By skipping breakfast, the body can be deprived of important nutrients. Missing breakfast depletes the body's supply of energy, which then hinders the organs of the body from functioning properly.

Missing breakfast can lead to decreased immunity. Fasting for a longer period can also cause declined immunity as a result of cell damage. Having a nutritious breakfast can provide many benefits for our overall health and well-being. We should take our meals seriously.

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