Footing it on

By: A'ishat Àkànó

One of the greatest tools for getting people's attention is showing up in a pair of heels. They make you feel confident and really gorgeous. Heels are perfect for almost every outfit when they are rightly combined. Even though they are great, they can be very tasking too. Walking in them can be a lot of work, not to mention becoming a perfectionist like supermodels. Here are some tips to assist your heel journey. 

Your posture is a great deal. 

Maintaining a great posture is very important to walk perfectly in your heels. Keep your head up, your spine straight, and your core tightened to release pressure from your feet. Also, make sure to keep your shoulders back, and lean back a little bit. This can help you walk faster and make your steps appear more natural.

Practising privately helps you handle your heels better. This might sound quite funny but you should try making walking in heels in your home or your personal space a habit. This makes you familiar with the techniques of balancing on heels. Make sure you do all the possible things that you will probably do while walking with the heels outside, like stopping, standing, pivoting, or turning around. You can also practice by walking on the balls of your feet. This helps to strengthen your legs and ankle.

Walk heel to toe: This is a walking stride where the heel of the foot touches the ground before the toe of the other foot leaves it. It is very advisable to lead with the outer part of the heels while walking. Landing on the heel puts a lot of weight on the platform raised. This can lead to breakage which can result in an accident. Maintaining a balance is advised while in high-heeled shoes.

Make sure that you take a break from those heels. Do not wear a pair of heels for a long time. Be free to pack easy footwear in your bag that you can change to. Also, do not wear high heels too often. High heels are amazing but they can cause toe deformities. However, if you need to wear them every day to work, make sure you try different heights. 

Pick the right shoe. 

Choosing the right size of shoes is very essential. When you are in doubt, you can always go for the one that is slightly bigger than the other. If it is a little big for you, you can use insoles or cushions but if it is small you cannot create any space to occupy your leg. For the first time, do not go for the highest heels, start from the lowest level. This will help your feet and body get familiar with what they are settling for.

Take it slowly. 

While on heels, you are a queen. Take smaller and more appealing steps, slowly. Do not rush, and make sure not to bend your knees more than you usually do. The higher the heels, the smaller your steps should be.

It is important to pay attention to your legs; treat them as well as you would other parts of your body. Soak your feet in water and moisturize them. You can also treat them to a proper massage. It is also important to leave them exposed.

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