7 Benefits of Warm Water You Probably Have no Idea of
By: Halimat Sunmonu
There is no question that staying hydrated is critical to your health, but most people are unaware that drinking warm water offers some unique benefits to the body and skin. In fact, medical experts have attested that water is most beneficial when we drink it warm, and the perfect temperature is between 120 ° F and 140 ° F. Taking warm water is so much benefit that it reduces the number of drugs you use and even skin care products.
Water clears up your skin. Warm water can help detoxify your body. This is because drinking warm water raises your body temperature, and makes you sweat, which in turn helps you get rid of toxins and makes it easier for your digestive organs to get rid of impurities. Cleansing the body from the inside treats acne from the inside out and makes the skin healthy and glowing.
Water helps to prevent immature ageing. In addition to causing breakouts, toxins can make the skin age faster and cause puffy bags and dark circles under the eyes. Drinking warm water helps repair skin cells damaged by harmful free radicals and makes your skin look smoother and oily.
Water stops the itchiness of the scalp. Warm water keeps your scalp hydrated, eradicating the possibility of dandruff. When the skin of the scalp is healthy and moist, it keeps the hair shiny, loose, and soft. The water activates the nerve endings at the roots of the hair, promoting the growth of new strands.
Drinking warm water helps to brighten the skin; it helps to break down fat deposits, relax muscles, and increase blood flow. Increased blood circulation rejuvenates skin cells and keeps them nourished. It also provides oxygen to active skin cells and removes waste, revitalizing and renewing the skin.
Water prepares your skin for beauty treatment. Drinking warm water is the easiest way to kick start metabolism, which in turn helps the skin benefit sufficiently from creams and moisturizers applied to it.
Drinking warm water helps to hydrate the skin. Intestinal problems can hinder the influx of adequate vitamins and nutrients from food, which can prevent the skin from looking radiant and make existing skin conditions worse. No matter the number of moisturizers used, it does not make the skin wrinkle-free. Drinking a glass of warm water helps the skin get all the nutrients it needs to stay young; helps out skin tone; reduces puffiness and tightens skin.