Following the viral article from a campus journalist of the UCJUI on the misappropriation of funds and mismanagement of the UISU Whatsapp TV, the Public Relations Officer of the University of Ibadan Student Union, Olalekan Micheal Ajibola has come under scrutiny for allegedly directing funds generated by the University of Ibadan Student Union TV to his account.

The PRO responded with a clap-back that equally went viral. He argued that the money allocated to his office by the union is not enough to run the WhatsApp TV; a claim the SU President, Adewole Adeyinka (Mascot) faulted. Mascot categorically stated that the PRO’s office receives the highest cut from the budget among all other offices. 

However, Ajibola stated in his defence that the money generated from the TV was used to run the TV and he claimed it was imperative to have funds at his fingertips for unexpected expenses regarding the TV. He also claimed the TV was his innovation and that there was no reason an external body should direct him on how it should be run.

A few weeks ago, the disciplinary committee of the Student Representative Council led by Idoko Adoyi recommended that disciplinary actions be taken against the PRO including a three weeks suspension of Olalekan Michael and a public apology to the student body of the University of Ibadan. This recommendation was made on December 3 and weeks on, many OMA supporters still have something to say about the action taken by the SRC.


Mary, a 200-level student and Queenite believes that the issue is not as bad as people have made it to be. In her words, “The TV should not have been suspended because a lot of people depend on the information disseminated by the TV, especially on scholarships, essay competitions, and information from the university.”

She acknowledged that she does not know anything about running a WhatsApp TV but she believes that since the money was generated by the TV, it should be used to run the TV. According to her, it should not have amassed as much concern as it did in the University community. 

“Ajibola is innovative and since the WhatsApp TV was his idea, it would be up to him to run it as he sees fit. The action the disciplinary committee took was unnecessary. I see no reason why he should be banned from creating a personal WhatsApp TV while still in office.”

Mary sees the suspension as stifling creativity and innovation. Based on this opinion, since the TV has been of some good, there is no need for punishment. 


Nanza, a Political Science student thinks that the TV should have been left operating. As far as she is concerned, there are other ways the authorities involved could have gone around the situation that would not have resulted in the close-down of the WhatsApp TV. 

“A committee should have been set up under the office of the PRO to continue running the TV. This will help keep UItes well informed about happenings in the school.”

She also blamed the Mascot administration stating that the President and other executives must have been aware of everything. 

“I believe Mascot and other executives are not completely ignorant of all that has been happening with the account. The Student Representative Council is supposed to know this, so I wonder why that line of questioning is not pursued.” 

From this, we can deduce that some expected a holistic action from the SRC because while OMA was the one operating the account, his activities that were later exposed could not have gone unnoticed by the executive body


Sarah, a 300-level student would not be swayed in her opinion about OMA. Her faith in the PRO begs to differ from the common opinion that OMA misappropriated funds. For her, the punishment is harsher than the crime committed. 

“I think the disciplinary committee was too harsh and the punishment did not fit the crime. I know there was a breach of the constitution but I do not believe that the PRO embezzled money. The WhatsApp TV was a favourite amongst UI students and there was no direct proof of embezzlement.”

Because it is a favourite for UI students, adequate punishment for the lack of professionalism on the part of the PRO should be overlooked. 

The lovers and fans of OMA OUR PRO have given their opinion and concluded that not only do they think he is not all that wrong but requesting accountability from a political officeholder is unnecessary and should the student leader fail to defend his oath of office and be accountable upon his mandate, it still should not be a case that will generate a lot of drama and especially, hard punishment.

Regardless of the thoughts of anyone on this matter, the disciplinary committee has sent its recommendation to the house and we await the final verdict. To the present day, the UISU WhatsApp TV remains suspended.

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