Making resolutions; For New Years’ only?
It is a few days to the end of the year 2022. We are getting to that time of the year when people want to make changes and set new standards for the New Year. A lot of us made resolutions on January 1, 2022, and how many of those resolutions did we follow through with?
2023 is knocking on our doors and we can tell many are already preparing their resolutions list, thinking of habits to incorporate and stop. Should resolutions be a New Year business or a regular business?
Before diving deeper, what are the resolutions?
Resolutions are firm decisions taken to do or not do something. In this article's context, it is the practice of making firm decisions about certain things and areas of life to improve productivity and efficiency.
An example of a resolution is to invest in personal development which can be done by reading books by profound authors, subscribing to a mentorship plan, and attending conferences that focus on personal growth and development.
Now, should making resolutions be just a once-in-a-year affair?
Should we wait till the New Year to take stock of our lives and make necessary improvements based on our reviews?
Some people feel like the New Year is when they need to make decisions to shape their lives and this is a wrong mentality.
Eric Zorn said, “Making resolutions is a cleansing ritual of self-assessment and repentance that demands personal honesty and, ultimately, reinforces humility.”
From the above quote, it can be noted that making resolutions should not just be a New Year's deal because it is important to make progress every day. You cannot halt your progress or postpone making a vital decision till the following year. Development is not achieved that way. Your daily progress makes up for the big achievements and success people see later on.
You build up habits when you intentionally make the right decisions and follow through.
John C. Maxwell, a great leader and profound author, stated in one of his writings that he wakes up early to review and make plans on improving his output. He also meets with his team members to review and make better decisions that increase their efficiency and productivity.
Karen Lamb said, “A year from now, you may wish you had started today.”
The earlier you start making these decisions, the better it is. Time does not change anything, it only reveals things; it reveals how much you have grown and invested in yourself. A person who sits down to review areas of her life and makes necessary resolutions will make more progress than a person who does it once a year.
Making resolutions is not just a yearly ritual, it is a constant routine. It can be daily, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. Imagine not having to take a bath till next year, gross right? People who do not make firm decisions and resolutions for their goals go through life meaninglessly.
Is it wrong to make New Year's resolutions? No! It is not. It is wonderful but you should not put your life and growth on hold for a whole year to make better decisions.
Be consistent, have goals, and ensure they are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound).
When you have a SMART goal, it is easier for you to know where to make necessary adjustments for improvement. Make those resolutions now!
Hope it is not too early to say Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year?
Cheers to growth!