On December 11, 2022, Junior Chamber International, University of Ibadan organized her last General Assembly for the year 2022. The ceremony which was held at the Faculty of Technology Lecture Theatre had Jobberman in collaboration and the program was to take members on soft skills training. The training was aimed at equipping students for the workforce.
The trainer, during the program, lamented how a large number of Nigerians are unemployable - despite being excellent in their field - due to inexperience in soft skills such as communication skills, emotional intelligence, management, and interpersonal skills which aid their efficiency in the workforce.
He added that requirements for any job opportunity should be researched before applying for it. He advised that it is not wise to just apply for any available vacant position out there. He further advised students to prepare different Curriculum Vitae for different job opportunities that correlate with the requirements of each job.
All participants in the training were certified.