• Australia is wider than the moon - 600km wider, to be exact.

  • Vatican City is the smallest country in the world; only - 0.2 miles wide.

  • Russia has more surface area than Pluto. Seem impossible? Just think of those 11 time zones.

  • The heart of a shrimp is located in its head.

  • Slugs have not one, not two, not three... but four noses. They don't work like human noses do, exactly. Instead, they sense chemicals, sounds, lights, and more.

  • Sloths have the slowest metabolic system of any mammal. It takes two to four weeks to digest food.

  • Elephants are also the only mammal that cannot jump.

  • Crows can recognize human faces — and remember them for their entire lives. They are also believed to leave gifts for humans.

  •  Iceland is the only country on earth free of mosquitoes. Its low temperatures make it impossible for the pest to breed.

  • Believe it or not, wombats' poop is cube-shaped. This has to do with their digestive process and various bodily contractions. 

  • Lobsters pee out of their faces. Even more interesting, they do this as a way to attract mates.

  • Cows can only walk upstairs, but not downstairs.

  • A blind chameleon can still adjust to the colours of its environment. The way it changes colours is because of its special cells, not eyesight.

  • Freddie Mercury has a pretty memorable smile. But did you know it's because he had four extra teeth in his upper jaw? Yup. That's why Rami Malek had to wear prosthetic teeth while working on Bohemian Rhapsody.

  • "Rap God" by Eminem is the song with the most words. It has about 1,560 words.

  • The world's longest concert lasted 453 hours.

  • It takes 70 different pieces of wood to make up a violin, which explains why some of them are so expensive (one even sold for $16 million). 

  • All clownfish are born male. They can change their sex later on.

  • A group of porcupines is called a prickle.

  • Abraham Lincoln, who was famously tall at 6'4, was also a successful competitive wrestler.

  • Finland has more saunas than cars. It's consistently ranked as one of the happiest countries in the world.

  • Gatorade was invented at the University of Florida, and named after the mascot of the school, the Gators. The university receives 20 per cent of the profits from the beverage.

  • Mushrooms can glow in the dark. There are more than 70 varieties of mushrooms that do this.

  • Since 1962, the official sport of Maryland has been jousting.

  • According to the Guinness World Records, the world's heaviest watermelon weighed 350 pounds. 

  • Ketchup was once sold as medicine to treat diarrhoea and indigestion. Although the treatment did not.

  • In Switzerland, it's illegal to own just one guinea pig because they crave social interaction so much. In their natural habitat, they live in groups and are very communicative.

  • Mary Stuart became the Queen of Scotland when she was just six days old. 

  • Seven per cent of American adults think chocolate milk comes from brown cows 



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