One of the best things in life is the potential to learn and acquire knowledge. Growing up, we realized we, in a way, give up getting to know more about knowledge in the outside world. Here are some did-you-know facts that are certain to get you itching for extra information.
The Queen was a mechanic
Queen Elizabeth II was a trained mechanic. When she was 16, the Queen joined the British employment agency at the Labour Exchange and learned the basics of truck repair. She can repair tires and repair engines. Is there anything the Queen can't do?!
Barbie's full name is...
The Barbie doll’s full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts, from Willows, Wisconsin. Her birthday is March 9, 1959, when she was first displayed at the New York Toy.
Mickey found his Minnie
The actors who voiced Mickey and Minnie mouse got married in real life. Russi Taylor (Minnie) and Wayne Allwine (Mickey) tied the knot in 1991.
A blue whale's heartbeat
You can hear a blue whale's heartbeat from over 2 miles away. Blue whales weigh an average of between 130,000 and 150,000kg, with their hearts weighing roughly 180kg.
Birds require gravity to swallow
Birds cannot chew their food so swallow their prey in entirety. The oesophagus of a bird is wide enough to swallow larger meals. They depend on gravity to push their food down the oesophagus and then later be propelled into their stomachs.
The first college football game
The first college football game was played on November 6, 1869, between Rutgers and Princeton (then known as the College of New Jersey) in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Rutgers won.
Google was formally called Backrub
The original name for the search engine Google was Backrub. It was renamed Google after the googol, which is the number one followed by 100 zeros.
The human teeth
Human teeth are the only part of the body that cannot heal themselves. Teeth are coated in the enamel which is not a living tissue.
Why do we raise a toast
The Ancient Romans used to drop a piece of toast into their wine for good health - hence why we raise a toast.
Heart in the head?
The heart of a shrimp is located in its head. They also have an open circulatory system, which means they have no arteries and their organs float directly in the blood.
This explains why you sing in the bathroom
People are more creative in the shower. When we take a warm shower, we experience an increased dopamine flow that makes us more creative.
Water is our body’s mechanical oil
Water is our body’s mechanical oil – without it, it can’t function. You lose about 8 percent of your body water while on a flight. This is because the humidity in a climate-controlled environment can be as low as 10 to 15 percent.
Only female mosquitoes bite you
Only female mosquitoes bite us because the required nutrition from their victim’s blood is needed to develop their eggs. Male mosquitoes feed on the nectar of flowers.
Owls can't move their eyes sideways
This is because their eyes are too big to move in any direction. Instead, they turn their heads to see what is around them. The owl can turn its head 270 degrees.