While the difficulty in maintaining Afro-textured hair is no news, several people have come to appreciate the beautiful look it gives a lady who wears it. Afro hair is not an easy one to handle. It takes finding the right tools and methods to effectively care for your natural kink. Check out these amazing tips to help you set your natural hair growth on a bountiful journey. 

When it comes to afro hair, water is the ultimate friend. It is recommended that you drink eight glasses of water daily and also consistently apply water to your hair. Because of its curly nature, kinky hair is often susceptible to knots and tangles which makes it difficult to comb through. It is advisable to dampen your natural hair to make them easier to comb and to prevent headaches and hair breakage caused by combing dry hair.

Adopting a hair wash routine is an important factor in maintaining natural afro hair. Wash your hair weekly or once in two weeks to prevent dryness. Make use of moisturizing shampoo and conditioner while washing your hair and rinse with warm water. 

It is important to oil your hair regularly. Kinky hair needs lots of oil. Oils help in maintaining moisture in the hair. You should however take note of the type of oil you apply to your hair. Several oils have been identified to be easily absorbed into the hair shaft including coconut oil, olive oil, marula oil, argan oil,  and avocado oil.

Wear protective styles only. Due to the susceptibility of afro hair to breakage, it is important to be watchful of the hairstyle you wear. This helps to reduce the chances of over-combing, over-styling, or damaging your hair with heat. In cases where you make braids or twists, ensure that your hairstylist eases up on your edges to reduce tension on your scalp.

Sleep with a satin hair bonnet or scarf. Never go to bed without a satin scarf or bonnet on. It keeps your hair from tangling and breaking while you sleep. It helps to keep your hairstyle in shape and to maintain your hair moisture.

Use ceramic combs or straighteners to press hair. If you would like to press or thermally straighten your hair, use a ceramic comb and only do so once a week. Make use of a hair straightening device with a dial to enable you to control the temperature with which you press your hair.

Let your hair breathe. With the recent trend of hiding hair under a wig, it is easy to forget to let your hair breathe. Only make protective and breathable hairstyles when using a wig. And remember to remove your wig and expose your hair to fresh air when at home.

Another important factor people rarely pay attention to is the use of chemical treatment. When chemical treatments are used in natural hair, it alters the growth pattern and can result in hair damage. Don't focus on trying to grow your afro hair fast. Instead, spend more time protecting your hair from breakage caused by factors such as inconsistent hair care routine, excessive use of chemical treatments, use of dehumidifying hair products and so on. And your journey to rocking your Afro-textured hair would not be so boring after all!

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