Aishat Akano

Ofada rice is cooked non-parboiled, short-grain rice. It is topped with the local Ofada stew - a rich, red, pepper sauce that is full of ingredients like meat, fish, locust beans, offals, cow skin, flavoured crayfish, and a lot more. Ofada rice and Ofada stew is widely eaten among Nigerians and it is now much accepted even in modern parties.


Ofada rice

Scotch bonnets (ata rodo)

Red bell pepper (tatashe)


Palm oil



Ground Crayfish

Stock seasoning 

Locust beans

Fresh moi-moi leaves (to serve the rice in)

Steps in preparing Ofada rice and stew:

  • Boil the beef, ponmo, and shaki first. Fry lightly in palm oil and set aside when done.

  • Clean the leaves by rinsing thoroughly in water. You can clean them in a bowl of salted water. The salted water helps to get rid of unwanted bacteria. 

  • Boil the ofada rice. Keep the pot a little open to cut back the cooking froth. Do not forget to add salt.

  • Blend the pepper - rodo, tatashe - and onions roughly together. Do not let them mix too much. Heat some palm oil for a few seconds and add chopped onions.

  • Roughly add the blended pepper, seasonings, beef stock, and locust beans. Fry them for about 10 minutes then add the meat. Finish off by adding some grounded crayfish.

  • Place the washed leaves on a plate and serve the rice into them with the stew. Enjoy!

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