Manners and etiquette go hand in hand but are not the same. Etiquettes are sets of conventional rules of personal behaviour in polite society according to Wikipedia.
Manner is a way of behaving towards others; whether good or bad. Etiquettes are a set of rules dealing with the outward character form while manners are expressions of inner character.
Good manners and etiquettes attract favour. Most companies, industries, and societies use these as criteria to choose people for jobs and other opportunities. They go a long way to pave way for people who possess them. Just as there are good manners and etiquette, there are also bad manners and etiquette.
Our manners and etiquette matter because a lot of people define others or have perceptions based on their mannerisms and the etiquette displayed.
While speaking to a 200l student, Tamilore, she said; “Our manners and etiquettes matter a lot, it affects how we relate with people. Good manners help us respond positively to certain situations around us.”
A lecturer cited an example in class a few days back; he told us of a guy that got the opportunity to have a private interview with a billionaire CEO in Nigeria. The young man was in the elevator with the CEO and he did not greet him because he did not know the older man was the CEO.
When it was time for the interview, the CEO saw the young man and asked him to leave and he lost that amazing job opportunity. That young man lost that opportunity because he lacked good manners.
Let us hear what Phoebe has to say about having good manners and etiquette. She said; “Good manners can take you to places where money cannot take you, some people due to their mannerless way of speaking have lost opportunities.”
Doyin said, “Good manners and etiquettes are huge for me, they are the best assets a person should have. I believe that no one has an excuse to be mannerless; your presentation determines how people will approach you. A well-mannered person can bear other people's excesses; they know how to talk even when the other party is going all gaga. They know how to handle situations correctly.”
She went further to talk about the famous five magic words – please, excuse me, sorry, thank you, and pardon and said everyone is supposed to utilize them in their speech. She included greetings as one of the magic ways to obtain favour.
“Every person is expected to utilize the five magic words which are please, excuse me, sorry, thank you and pardon. We can add one more which is basic greetings; greeting people is important. Being mannered goes a long way and paves a way for people.”
A lot has been said about manners and several things can be induced from the things stated above. The benefits of good manners and etiquette cannot be overemphasized. Some ladies display bad manners and bad etiquette which leave a bad impression of them on those that have met them. A well-mannered person will treat others as he or she wants to be treated; a well-mannered person puts himself or herself in other people’s shoes and treats them as he or she would love to be treated.
Here are some advantages of possessing good manners and etiquette:
- You make an impact on people.
- You get more opportunities.
- You have a positive outlook.
What are good manners to possess?
Here are just a few to mention:
Speaking the five magic words (please, sorry, excuse me, pardon, and thank you), greeting people, offering to help when you can, being considerate and fair, respecting people, encouraging people, and wearing a smile always.
What are good etiquettes to possess?
Here are a few:
Possess good personal etiquette (treat others the way you want to be treated, respect the privacy of others)
Possess good eating etiquette (eat noiselessly, take what you can finish off at once)
Possess good business etiquette (do not cheat your customers, be honest)
Possess good bathroom etiquette (never leave the restroom dirty, flush when you are done)
As Queens, we must possess good manners and etiquette; it distinguishes us from the rest and set us apart for greatness.