The ASUU embarked on strike on 14, February 2022, and demanded among other things the deployment of UTAS to replace IPPIS and the implementation of the 2009 renegotiated agreement. Queens Hall Press spoke with students to know how they feel about the strike; the length and eventual call-off, their experiences during the strike, and their current state of mind concerning school activities.

Ebun: I feel the entire strike was not necessary. I am not saying the ASUU is wrong but I just feel there are other methods they could have adopted to get what they want. I was not really bored during the strike because I had a job I was doing. I had an online job - content marketing and I was paid, so I really did not feel affected. And now that we are back, I am really happy about it.

Jennifer: The strike was long and annoying. I did not expect it to be that long so I was frustrated. I was involved in some business during the strike - a winery business. I gained more knowledge about business. About the call-off; when I heard of it, I was happy and I was sad at the same time. I was happy because I can finally get back to school and I was sad because I had to stop the work that earns me money.

Tofunmi: I am not angry about the strike. I feel they had to do it. They were fighting for both our rights and their rights. I mean, it is not easy to go to school and get degrees. They should be paid very well for the work of educating, and I feel they are paid lesser than they are worth. They are not given the actual appreciation they deserve. The period of the strike was well spent. I was involved mostly in church activities and I was part of the executives in the church. Also, I worked as an intern and was paid for fashion design. I am really happy that I am back in school but I feel the strike might still commence soon, so I am not that happy.

Ayomide: I feel the lecturers were right on what they did, I mean they were asking for their rights. But I feel they did wrong to us, students. They just wasted our time. I was involved in make-up artistry during the strike. I had learnt it during the Covid-19 pandemic but I had the chance to get more knowledge during the last strike, and I could also earn money. I feel happy now that I am back; not because of school activities though but because of my friends.

Vivian: I feel really bad ooo. I have been a fresher since 2020, the years…omoo. Imagine, the strike started on the day of my matriculation, when I thought I have finally made it - that I was happy I could finally start classes. During the strike, I was involved in a lot of things. I was involved in various businesses, that later crashed. At a point, I started modelling and I was also involved in play production. I feel happy that the strike has finally been called off but I have lost all the studentship in me. I do not even know where to start as a class representative.

Abiola: I felt more frustration during the strike. I was involved in some work; it was not to get paid, just to have work experience. I feel really happy now that I am in school. I can now go back to going to my classes and furthering my education.

Anonymous: I did not really feel the strike. I was involved in a lot of things, I helped my people with a lot of work. I was involved in fashion designing, bag making, and other kinds of stuff. I have mixed feelings about the eventual call-off of the strike. I am happy I can finally leave home, but also sad I have to get back to doing exams and the stress accompanied by school activities.

Muhsinah: I feel the ASUU were wrong and right. They were right about embarking on the strike and wrong about the length. It was just way too long. The whole break was productive; I learnt fashion designing and also gained some knowledge on web design. My public speaking skills also improved. I am a Communication and Language art student so it is quite essential. The calling off of the strike was sudden and I feel like the school is not well prepared to have students in school. 

Halima: It was devastating. We were all stopped from our school activities. I was taking exams during the strike - ACCA and ICAN. It was productive. I am happy that I am back in school now though.

Ayokunnumi: The strike was just there. I did not really feel it. I was helping a school during the WAEC and I was getting paid. I was also involved in other things. The call-off was so sudden, we were caught off guard. The students were not even consulted (lol). But we thank God we are here now.

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