Did you know?
10% of the world population is left-handed.
Did you know?
Rabbits eat their faeces.
Did you know?
The blood of lobsters is colourless.
Did you know?
Around 8% of the world's population has an extra rib.
Did you know?
The most commonly used letter in the English alphabet is E.
Did you know?
The majority of plant life is located in the ocean.
Did you know?
Honey never spoils.
Did you know?
Australia is the only continent without an active volcano.
Did you know?
The human brain is 78% water.
Did you know?
You share your birthday with 19 million people.
Did you know?
Cats have a hundred vocal cords.
Did you know?
Ducks cannot walk without bobbing their heads.
Did you know?
The human tongue heals the fastest compared to all body parts.
Did you know?
The smallest ocean is the Arctic ocean.
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Depression is the most common mental illness.
Did you know?
An octopus has rectangular pupils.
Did you know?
Pigs can’t look upwards.
Did you know?
Owls cannot move their eyes sideways.
Did you know?
There are more chickens in the world than there are people.
Did you know?
People laugh an average of 10 times a day.
Did you know?
The thigh bones of humans are stronger than concrete.
Did you know?
Cleopatra was not Egyptian by birth.
Did you know?
Spaghetto, confetto, and graffito are the singular forms of spaghetti, confetti, and graffiti.
Did you know?
The average mammal takes 21 seconds to empty its bladder