1) Though less common than earthquakes, the moon has moonquakes, too. That is right. Moonquakes. 

2) You lose a large percentage of your taste buds while on an aeroplane. 

3) Although it may sound counterintuitive, your small intestine is the largest (internal) organ in your body.

4) You probably know that snails are petty slow creatures, but did you know that they also take the longest naps? One nap can last up to three years!

5) You may be jealous of a bird's ability to fly, but it may soothe your envy to learn it can't live in space because they need gravity to swallow.

6) Bees can sting other bees — usually if they feel threatened or are protecting their territory. 

7) Whether you've seen a tiger in real life or a photo, you know that they have striped fur. But they have striped skin, as well.

8) Cats can't taste anything sweet.

9) Most people know dolphins have incredible sonar abilities. But did you know they were studied as war tools during the Cold War? 

10) Not only are sea lions adorable, but they're also very musical. They are the only animal that can clap to a beat.

11) Like humans, koalas have unique individual fingerprints. If you place a koala and a human fingerprint side by side, they're pretty hard to differentiate.

12) You may know that everyone's fingerprints are different, but did you know that the same is true of everyone's tongue print?

13) Your brain uses 10 watts of energy to think, but it can't feel pain. You know what they say: Mind over matter.

14) In a group of 23 people, there is a 50% chance that two will share the same birthday.

15) It may feel a lot longer in the moment, but the average person spends two weeks of their life sitting at traffic lights.

16) The most expensive film ever made was Pirates of the Caribbean, which cost more than 375 million dollars to create. For reference, the average budget for a big studio movie is around $65 million.

17) Iceland grows 5 centimetres per year because of its moving tectonic plates.

18) Russia has a whopping 11 time zones within the country, which gives you an idea of just how large it is.

19) The Sahara Desert can reach up to 136 degrees. Its average temperature is about 100 degrees Fahrenheit, so it's pretty much always hot.

20) Australia is wider than the moon — 600km wider, to be exact.

21) Vatican City is the smallest country in the world at only 0.2 miles wide.

22) There are more people in California than in Canada, although Canada is more than 2,000 per cent larger in size than California.

23) The closest state in the United States to Africa is Maine, which juts out further east into the Atlantic than most people realize.

24) Maine is also the only state that has a single-syllable name.

25) Russia has more surface area than Pluto. Seem impossible? Just think of those 11 time zones.

26) The heart of a shrimp is located in its head. Weird, yet kind of cool.

27) Slugs have not one, not two, not three... but four noses. They don't work like human noses do, exactly. Instead, they sense chemicals, sounds, lights, and more.

28) It takes a sloth two to four weeks to digest food. They have the slowest metabolic system of any mammal.

29) Just like human babies suck their thumbs, baby elephants sometimes suck on their trunks. They can also stand within 20 minutes of birth (though they can't see for a while, and instead sense their mothers through sound and smell).

30) Crows can recognize human faces — and remember them for their entire lives. They've also been known to leave gifts for humans.

31) There is only one country on earth without mosquitoes: Iceland. Its low temperatures make it impossible for the pest to breed.

32) The name of a group of lemurs is a "conspiracy." This is because they often work together in their social groups to outsmart prey.

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