Did you know?
The average mammal takes 21 seconds to empty its bowel.
Did you know?
Chewing gum is banned in Singapore.
Did you know?
The average U.S household has 300,000 things in it.
Did you know?
The 1939 novel, Gatsby is the longest book ever published that does not contain the letter "e".
Did you know?
Japan is suffering from ninja shortage.
Did you know?
Bubble wrap was originally invented as wallpaper.
Did you know?
Shakespeare invented more than 1,700 words.
Did you know?
Albert Einstein's brain was stolen when he died.
Did you know?
Extreme ironing is an actual sport.
Did you know?
There is a planet that is shaped like a potato.
Did you know?
It only takes six minutes for alcohol to affect your brain.
Did you know?
You are 13.8 per cent more likely to die on your birthday.
Did you know?
Playing dance music can help ward off mosquitoes.
Did you know?
The opposite sides of a die will add up to seven.
Did you know?
Many oranges are actually green.
Did you know?
No number from 1 to 999 includes the letter "a" in its word form.
Did you know?
Grapes light on fire in the microwave.
Did you know?
You can get your eyeballs tattooed.
Did you know?
'Strengths' is the longest word in English with one vowel.
Did you know?
Mars constantly makes a humming noise.
Did you know?
More human twins are being born now than ever before.
Did you know?
Sleeping in a cold room can help you slim down.
Did you know?
You are tallest first thing in the morning.
Did you know?
Climate change is causing flowers to change colour.
Did you know?
Dentistry is the oldest profession in the world.
Did you know?
The hottest chili pepper in the world is so hot, it could kill you.