A wise man once said; Balablu, Bluhuhu, Bulabu
Before we go into the discussion for today, it is required that I commend our erudite public speakers for all the occasions they gave us worthy speeches. Special commendations to our Jaw War speakers who have consistently left us tingling and snapping our fingers on our seats. They have spoken facts and saved us the stress of learning new things that sound like chants.
To the matter of the day;
'Ëverything don scatter scatter, Nigeria don jagajaga'
Eighteen years ago, the singer said this in his song; a remix of this song is in order because the current state of the nation requires more suitable words to qualify it. Lecturers are fighting, the school teachers are murmuring, the health sector is suffering, the youths are disorganised, we are building fences worth billions, our money needs more ink and a new look, we are hearing incoherent and groundless speeches, and our leaders have refused to think straight; every man is confused. There is no better time to call Nigeria a place of pandemonium than now. Scarcely are things done right but our thesaurus keeps building to explain away the reasons for the constant disorder.
A septuagenarian who intends to serve Nigeria has promised to make cassava available for the youths because garri - our best friend - has become our problem.
Only in Nigeria would a reputable man in society stand on a podium, talk gibberish, and still receive applause. Only in Nigeria would a man justify his wrongdoings and still have followers commend him for a job well done. Only in Nigeria would the citizens cruise over issues and collect a bag of rice two weeks before elections. Many leaders are clowns but we listen, applaud, and brand our various political fanbases because we are junior clowns.
Only in Nigeria would a student leader abandon his or her manifesto and choose to work with a blueprint that is not available to the general public.
The various facets of Nigerian society have become abodes for many evils and we choose to not talk but instead manage till we drop. Next year, we will head to the polling booth and vote for our favourite candidates. Before then, we still have the pleasure of listening to speeches, plans, and one or two slangs. If you find nothing of substance to take out of this campaign season, take some slangs.
When things seem not to go well in your department, faculty, and hall, remember that Nigeria is in a state of pandemonium and your local constituency is not an exception.
So when we have light but are not deserving of water, we will borrow a leaflet from the wise man and say; Balablu, bluhuhu, bulabu.